Monday, March 24, 2008

Holy Cow, I'm 30!!!

I have been preparing for this day since March 24, 2007. I realized then that I had one year of my twenties remaining. It was a bit of a shock to the system. You get busy, maturing in your marriage, having children, building a career, and all of a sudden WHAM!! You're hit over the head with the realization that time has passed and, whether you feel it or not, you're getting older.

So, from that day to this I have tried to prepare emotionally, psychologically, mentally. While I am sure this is not universally true, I have known people to have a meltdown when they hit the big 3-0. Initially, and at the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I thought I might be headed there, too. But as it turns out, I have experienced some "Ah, Hah!" moments in the past 12 months that have had an effect on this perspective.

1. We are born to age. This statement may appear to be somewhat strange, but it most clearly articulates the concept I have begun to grasp. This life is a proving ground in which we are intended to grow. Real growth does not occur without experience, and experience happens over time. We cannot experience and accomplish all that is needful and desired unless we mature, which comes with age. Case in point. As I type away I have my daughter in my arms and my son playing around me, occasionally demanding that I read to him from the immortal writings of Dr. Seuss. I was not prepared in any way to be a parent ten years ago, let alone 15. Experience, maturation and the wisdom that inherently comes with them comes only with time. To progress in the way in which we are intended necessitates aging. It is natural and right.

2. Wisdom comes with age. While this is not universally true, I do believe that the only way to gain real wisdom is to observe and exercise the intelligent, thoughtful application of knowledge, judgment, and experience over time. I don't think wisdom can be willed, I think it must be earned.

3. There is no end date or stopping point to progression. I had it in my mind that a certain number of things had to be checked off a list by the time I hit 30 in order to feel I had accomplished enough with my life. A few things on that. First, 30 is not that old. Second, progression is continual. I am a big believer in setting goals and objectives and am convinced they are key to success. But I don't think it worthwhile or particularly meaningful to assume that if a certain action does not take place by a certain time, all is lost. Better late than never, and you never, ever say never. I would assert that most people have accomplished a great deal more than they realize at first glance. I certainly feel this way after sincerely taking stock of where I am, and where I've been. Are there volumes of things I still want to do? Of course. Will I ever get them done? Quite possibly. I have more than half my life to do so. Progression is one eternal round.

So, the long and short of it is that I feel good. Life is good. In fact, life is great. I couldn't be happier or feel more grateful for the blessings I have been given. My beautiful wife and precious children fill my entire being with joy and love and light. I am able to provide for their temporal needs and ensure their comfort and well-being. We are surrounded and supported by wonderful family and friends who bless our lives. We are members of the only true and living church on the earth, and sealed as a family for eternity by the Priesthood of God. We know who we are and where we want to be. By and through the Atonement of Christ, we know we can get there. The future couldn't be brighter, or more full of promise. Again, life is good, and I am confident that the best is yet to come.

A few diddies I thought I'd put down, in the vein of taking stock of where my thoughts/ perspectives/objectives currently are. Non-exhaustive and a work in progress. Not posted with the assumption that anyone reading this should/would care much, but more if I put these out there the likelihood that I will act increases.

Qualities I Respect

Calm in the face of crisis
Genuine interest in others
An open mind
Clear communication

What I Hope/Want To Improve

Better maximizing/respecting the precious commodity of time
Devotion to reading
Personal organization
Balance between family/work/church/self
Use of technology to make work/life more efficient
Physical fitness
Willingness to concede that the grass is just as green on this side
Curb my tendency to be critical/sarcastic
Faith to be still and know that God is God

What I Feel Good About

Love for my Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ
Devotion to and love for my family
Relationships with my sweetheart and children
Relationships with family members
Relationships with friends
Strength of testimony
Love of the scriptures
Love of the Gospel
Professional accomplishments
Ability to win friends and influence people
Work Ethic
Capacity to think forward
Capacity to lead
Capacity to learn on my feet
Sense of humor

In The Next Few Years Would Like To...

Continue formal education
Return to Europe
Visit Brazil
Read the Bible, cover-to-cover
Read or re-read great literary works
Play tennis and softball
Attend the theatre


FoxFamily said...

Happy Birthday yesterday, Jeff!

Serena said...

You should write a book on having the spirit with you at all times, during Marriage, Family, Work, and Kids, in this wicked world.

CPT K said...

You look hilarious on waterskis.

Jill said...

you need to write another post :)
love you.